The web-a11y-auditor

Jens Pelzetter


The web-a11y-auditor is a prototype of web accessibility evaluation tool developed as part of my PhD thesis. The primary purpose was the show that the declarative model for accessibility rules developed as part of the PhD thesis works and can be used for developing accessibility evaluation tools. A detailed description of the model and the web-a11y-auditor can be found in a recent article in Frontiers in Computer Science. A more detailed discussion can be found in my PhD thesis.

Current status

The web-a11y-auditor is not available at moment. The current implemention as described in my PhD thesis works, but has some serious flaws and also performance issues with larger pages. A revised version of the web-a11y-auditor is expected to be available by the end of 2021.

web-a11y-auditor Ontologies

The ontologies described in the article and the thesis are available for download from the links below. The ontologies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Some documentation is available as annotations in the OWL files.
